Hard Landing

by wjw on May 2, 2011

Endeavor is having its electronics checked, the astronauts are home in Houston, and the earliest possible launch day is May 8.

I tried to get my airline tickets changed to tomorrow, but all flights were fully booked, so we’re flying home on Tuesday.  After which we will improvise.

We’ve learned that NASA is very good at making us wait.

On the other hand, we’re enjoying life at an excellent beach resort with the ocean right there, in an interesting part of the world with a lot of history and eccentric architecture, and many first-rate seafood restaurants competing for our dollar.

But still . . . I didn’t grow up dreaming of eating in seafood restaurants.  I grew up dreaming of space flight.

I will try to think good thoughts about May 8.

Blaze May 5, 2011 at 10:59 pm

You strike a memory of childhood long gone. All thru the 60’s, my Dad (and, if he was visiting, my Grandpa) would rouse me to watch launches from the Cape. The time zone differences meant this was bright and early. Sometimes, dark and early.

I was tickled to the core to be included with the adults, honestly excited about this space stuff and…bored out of my little mind when “the countdown is being held at T minus…” droned on and on.

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