House of Shards Available!

by wjw on June 22, 2011

Okay, whatever technical problem existed has now been resolved, and House of Shards is now available in its Kindle edition.


DensityDuck June 23, 2011 at 7:38 pm

The problem might be that there’s also a “Charmed” spinoff novel called “House Of Shards”, and they needed to make sure that people didn’t confuse the two, although it’s amusing to imagine what Drake Maijstral would have done with Piper Halliwell.

wjw June 24, 2011 at 3:55 am

Yeah, I noticed there was another book with the same title. But mine was first!

Now back to working on my new book, “Angels & Demons.”

DensityDuck June 24, 2011 at 10:27 pm

Don’t forget your EA-commissioned video-game spinoff “Battlefield Earth”.

And your novel about stalkers in the glamorous world of Hollywood, “The Stars My Destination”.

Jim C January 6, 2013 at 1:15 am

I just found out that some of my out-of-print gaps in my WJW collection can br filled on my kindle. I just picked up House of Shards, which had me jumping for joy. But I was a bit disappointed in the number of formatting errors that crept in.

Is there somewhere that we can put errata to get updated?

wjw January 6, 2013 at 9:35 pm

You can send the corrections to me, though since no one has yet created a Kindle editor, I will have to work through circumlocutive means…

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