First Breathless Report

by wjw on October 14, 2014

IMGP6716I’ve been extremely busy since arriving in Tel Aviv, racing off in one direction on sightseeing excursions, then dashing in another direction to participate in the Icon Festival.

Everyone has been amazingly friendly and supportive, and my events have been well attended.  My signing had enough people to fill the hour, but not so many that I couldn’t interact with each of the readers as they arrived at my table, and pose for pictures when necessary.  Pretty much perfect, in other words.

I’d like in particular to acknowledge the wonderful hospitality of my publisher Henry Harel, his wife Elah, and his daughter Daniela, who have acted as hosts, tour guides, drivers, cooks, and wonderful friends throughout my stay.

Since I have very little time for posting here, I’ll just mention a few of the highlights:

The view of the five Roman siege camps from the crest of Masada.

Floating in the Dead Sea while reading, or anyway pretending to read, the Hebrew edition of Implied Spaces.

A meal in the Arab village of Abu Ghosh, which offers THE BEST HUMMUS IN THE WORLD!!!  (I’m not actually sure it was the best I’ve tasted, but it was darned good.)

Wandering through the flea market in Joppa, an ancient city where Arabs, Jews, and Christians live in rather precarious harmony, and viewing the ancient technology on offer.  (“Wow!  Is that a World War II BMW motorcycle with sidecar?!?”)

My first experience with Bulgarian cuisine.

And the view above, the Dome of the Rock as seen from the roof of the Lutheran Hostel, “built by Wilhelm Caesar II of Germany.”  The gold onion domes of the Catholic church of St. Mary are visible just beyond, and on the Mount of Olives beyond the Olive Mount Church, now a mosque.

Due to my frantic schedule I only had a couple hours in Jerusalem, but I’ll be back later.

Right now, a writers’ workshop, the Geffen awards (for which I’m nominated), and a Q&A with fans.  And tomorrow, diving the underwater ruins of Caesarea (photos to follow).

Hailey Cornillious October 15, 2014 at 3:01 pm

It sounds like a great visit. it is a deeply effecting place to visit.
I hope you are having a joyous birthday.

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