Wrapping Up the Bear

by wjw on July 10, 2015

snobearThe 2015 edition of Taos Toolbox is over, save for the big celebratory dinner tonight.  The students were a talented, ambitious crew, and they worked hard, which meant Nancy and I had to work hard, too.

The students have scattered all over the county, shopping or sightseeing or just getting away.  I’m just bumping around the lodge, looking faintly lost, because I lack the energy for anything else.

It was a harmonious group, despite not having our usual bear sighting (which is a good omen).  The bear still has 16 hours or so to put in an appearance— last year was a last-minute sighting— but if not, the marmot will have to do.

I suppose I might as well start packing.  When I’ve finally caught up on my sleep, I’ll probably realize what a delightful time I’ve had.

Here are this week’s quotes from critique.  The fun part of this is not so much the quotes, I’ve realized, as trying to figure out just what kind of story they are attached to.

  • You’ve invented a new sub genre— clomance!

  • Your atmosphere is literally the atmosphere.

  • Will the real protagonist please stand up?

  • I want the meaning of life to be more than an orange-spice muffin.

  • Tell us that Comicon is going on, because otherwise I’ll think the Jersey Devil goes to Holiday Inn a lot.

  • I can see that you worked hard to incorporate everyone’s suggestions.  The problem is that you incorporated everyone’s suggestions.

  • Does he look like a wrestler wrapped in a blow-up doll costume?

  • Sunil, you’re always engaged when someone gets killed.

  • Your critique makes me glad I didn’t get a literature degree.

  • Oh, this is so good!  He’s so thwarted in love!

  • I would want a heads-up on the carnivorous pigs.

  • There was a little to much pig-fighting and not enough movement.

And lastly,

  • I’m afraid this story is going to stay with me for a long, long time.

mearsk July 13, 2015 at 10:08 am

I dunno, a pensive marmot might actually be better than a befuddled bear…

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