Return of the Whirlwind

by wjw on June 22, 2016

VotW15smallThe recently-ended promotion of Hardwired turned out to be the best ever, so I’d like to thank those of you who clicked the buy button.

On the theory that one should reinforce success, I’m hoping to repeat or even top Hardwired’s sales with a 99-cent sale on Voice of the Whirlwind.

You may find VotW at Amazon, Google, Smashwords, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, and Kobo.

Voice of the Whirlwind takes place in the same universe as Hardwired, about eighty years later.

Here’s the pitch:

Steward is a Beta— a clone. In his memories, he’s an elite commando for an orbital policorp— but because his Alpha never did a brain-scan update, Steward’s memories are fifteen years out of date . . . and in those fifteen years, everything has changed.

An interstellar war destroyed the company that held his allegiance. His wife has divorced him, along with the second wife that he can’t even remember. Most of his comrades died in a useless battle on a world called Sheol, and those who survived are irrevocably scarred. An alien race has arrived and become the center of a complex and deadly intrigue.

And someone has murdered him.

“Fast-moving, hard-driving, with a robust well-handled plot . . . a stirring and heartening performance.” – Kirkus Reviews

“Walter Jon Williams proves that he is a master of action, character and galaxy-spanning plots.” — Fantasy Review

“A combination of fast action, gritty realism, and high-tech polytechnics that is certain to be popular with Williams’ growing audience.” –Booklist.

“(Williams) is a master of the intricate yet fast-paced plot— the essence of thrillers and novels of political intrigue.” –Locus

bkd69 June 22, 2016 at 11:00 pm


Actually, I found and read VotW before Hardwired.

And, conveniently, I was looking for an opportunity to plug the fact the Hardwired sourcebook for R Talsorian’s Cyberpunk RPG is still available in (digital) print:

You may want to add a reference to it somewhere on here.

Privateiron June 23, 2016 at 6:39 am

Whirlwind is definitely my favorite of your works.

Will June 23, 2016 at 2:57 pm

I hope solip station is next. I have been wanting to read that.

Gerard June 23, 2016 at 10:59 pm

Not to be that guy, “Kirkus” is spelt “Kurkus” on the book cover.

spacebuck June 24, 2016 at 11:42 am

VOW was the first book I read of yours and it hooked me on your stuff. It’s been the most re-read as well so I’m on my second paperback. Added to e-book library now.
When is the new Dread Empire piece coming?

Anna Elizabeth July 20, 2016 at 11:02 am

VOW is my favorite novel of all time. My mom bought me the paperback as my Easter gift in 1987, and I’ve read it at *least* once a year since then, and still find something new and fresh on every reading. 🙂

I still have that paperback, plus a hardcover edition I’d bought when I couldn’t find the paperback in my myriad of boxes after our last move. XD

wjw July 21, 2016 at 2:29 pm

Now THAT’S a devoted reader! Now Anna Elizabeth, if you could just share the book with about 10,000 if your closest friends.

Anna Elizabeth July 21, 2016 at 10:12 pm

XD I do tell & lend to, all my friends about my favorite books. I know one woman I was dating put it on her ‘Audible’ list.

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