Stick to the Ribs

by wjw on December 28, 2016

img_4067Got any leftover ribs from your beef roast?  Here’s something to do with them.

Slather them with mustard.  Then cover them with bread crumbs.  Then put them in the broiler, turning as necessary, until they’re brown and crispy and sizzling.

Eat them with your fingers, as your caveman ancestors did.

I got this from Vincent Price’s seriously old-school cookbook, which presents a glimpse of high-end world cuisine as it existed around 1960.  Pressed duck from La Tour d’Argent!  (You’d pay $250 for that at the restaurant, I’m guessing.)  Garland of chicken breasts in aspic!  Soused mackerel!  Pheasant served under a glass dome!  Cornish hens in clay!  Stuffed crown roast of veal!  Sweetbreads in cream!  Teriyaki steak!  (I’m guessing teriyaki was pretty exotic back in 1960)

The book also includes wine pairings, and interesting ways to fold your napkins.

You can’t beat this for a glimpse into an elegant postwar world.  Plus some great recipes.

[Thanks to the equally elegant Patricia Rogers for giving me the cookbook for my birthday.]

John F. MacMichael December 29, 2016 at 1:00 am

Did that for dinner Tuesday night. An excellent way to use up the ribs from a good rib roast.

TRX January 1, 2017 at 10:21 am

Perhaps it’s just the picture, but that doesn’t look appetizing at all.

My wife said the redshirts needed to kill it with phaser fire.

Shash January 2, 2017 at 3:44 pm

Dang, that sounds like a good way to treat leftover roast beast. Yum.

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