Goodbye Cruel Year

by wjw on January 3, 2017

img_4082I wish you all a most successful and peaceful 2017.  I had a very pleasant New Year’s Eve in Santa Fe, at GRRM’s annual party.  Here’s George and Parris, toasting the end of 2016 while fireworks burst behind them.

George used to regularly host New Year parties back in the 1980s, but then he went off to Hollywood and went on to become the world’s most famous writer, both of which occupied a certain amount of his attention.  But these last few years he’s reinstated his New Year parties, though on a somewhat larger scale.

It’s a pleasure to attend, and it’s good to knows that a tradition (of sorts) has been retained.

The venue for the party is not large, and so if you ever want to meet George, this is probably not the way to do it.

But if you have literary ambitions, you could apply to Taos Toolbox, where George will be a featured speaker.

Unfortunately it’s unlikely there will be fireworks, except possibly in the Q&A.

Emy February 26, 2017 at 9:50 pm

Name-dropping doesn’t work if you’re as famous as the name-droppee. Very cool anyway. The creativity per square cm of people there must have been mind-blowing.

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