Power Chords

by wjw on March 27, 2017

implied_Spaces_04_750I’m pleased to report that my novel Implied Spaces is now on sale for a mere $0.99 wherever fine ebooks are sold!  (Which in this case would be KindleNookSmashwordsKoboiBooks, and Google.)

The original publisher seriously bungled the release of this one, and it never found traction with readers.  Here’s hoping that all changes.

Implied Spaces is one of those books that’s just packed with ideas, such that (in the words of SM Stirling), it’s “a melange that’s cosmological, theological, ontological, comic, and thoroughly entertaining.” So prepare yourself for cosmic entertainment!

As one reader wrote, “I read Implied Spaces and it so enlightened me that my body was transfigured, and I now roam the universe as a sublime entity of pure energy.”

(Your mileage, however, may vary.)

rift-smallI can also offer a twofer, because The Rift is still on sale via KoboiBooksAmazonNookSmashwords, and Google.  I put the book on sale in January, intending to keep it at 99 cents for only a week or so, but the sales haven’t slowed down, and now the sale is in its third month!

Which only shows you what might have happened if the original publisher had actually tried to sell the book.

As they say in New Orleans, cha-ching!  Two books for your reading pleasure!

Brad DeLong March 28, 2017 at 11:10 am

It’s a great book!

How can a publisher bungle the launch of such a great book?

wjw March 28, 2017 at 5:39 pm

By getting it in print four months after the official release date.

Yeah. I know.

Philip Koop March 28, 2017 at 7:53 pm

I can’t claim to have been transfigured into a sublime being of pure energy … but it is for sure an awesome book!

Clyde March 28, 2017 at 9:30 pm

Ya know, I never saw Implied Spaces on a bookstore shelf. Go figure. However I did manage to find and buy the eBook version some six years back.
Great mind-expanding read; I should revisit it soon.

bookworm1398 April 3, 2017 at 8:37 am

Just finished Implied Spaces and its fantastic! Terrific! Superb! Marvelous!
The thesaurus is also suggesting whimsical, bizarre and out of this world and its all of those too!
Really loved the inventiveness of this book

Jim Janney April 4, 2017 at 12:35 pm

I have not yet become an entity of pure energy, but I did learn what a squinch is. That has to be a step in the right direction.

kpacheneg April 7, 2017 at 4:51 pm

It’s the one book of yours I’ll be very surprised about if I ever hear you’re going to do a sequel.

wjw April 8, 2017 at 6:49 pm

Oh, I know what the sequel is going to be.

I haven’t written it because I knew I couldn’t sell a sequel to novel so totally trashed by the marketplace.

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