
by wjw on May 31, 2018

IMG_1959Here I am preparing for a new career as a Bond villain.  All I need is a white Persian cat and a volcano lair.

As part of my preparation for this career shift, I’ve had an operation for a cataract.  Which was done in a couple hours in the doctor’s offices, by a specialist flown in from the secret volcano lair known as Seattle.  The procedure  was pain free, though the whining sound of the little saw, or drill, or laser, slicing into my eyeball was just a little disturbing.  (It sounded too much like a dentist’s drill.)

A local anesthetic sent my eyeball entirely to sleep, so much that I couldn’t see anything out of it, including the bright light illuminating the surgery.  Half of my face is still asleep.

But I’m otherwise awake, and able to see the screen when I type.  Which will make it easier to organize my plans, so that I can better explain them to James Bond when I’ve finally secured him in a deathtrap from which he absolutely, positively cannot escape.

John F. MacMichael June 2, 2018 at 4:48 pm

Nice look. You manage to be both menacing and elegant in classic Bond villain style.

IIRC, one of your bad guys in “Hard Wired” had the ability to shoot poisoned darts from his artificial eye. Maybe you should look into that as an upgrade option.

Etaoin Shrdlu June 2, 2018 at 5:59 pm

I think you should make this your bio photo on Wikipedia.

Robert M Roman June 6, 2018 at 9:03 am

I second the motion.

I no longer have Persian cats but I still have the fur.

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