Gifts for Readers #2: Riverland

by wjw on December 12, 2019

51NPMHeIQ4L._SX327_BO1,204,203,200_This is the second item in this year’s roundup of 2019 books by veterans of Taos Toolbox, the master class for writers of science fiction and fantasy.

Today’s item is from Fran Wilde, who won the Andre Norton and Compton Crook Awards for her novel Updraft. She’s also received multiple nominations for the Hugo, Locus, and Nebula Awards.

Riverland is Fran’s first middle-grade book.  Find it in all the usual places, and at your local bookstore.

When things go bad at home, sisters Eleanor and Mike hide in a secret place under Eleanor’s bed, telling monster stories. Often, it seems those stories and their mother’s house magic are all that keep them safe from both busybodies and their dad’s temper. But when their father breaks a family heirloom, a glass witch ball, a river suddenly appears beneath the bed, and Eleanor and Mike fall into a world where dreams are born, nightmares struggle to break into the real world, and secrets have big consequences. Full of both adventure and heart, Riverland is a story about the bond between two sisters and how they must make their own magic to protect each other and save the ones they love.

Shash December 25, 2019 at 4:55 pm

Definitely checking this author out. She sounds right up my niece’s alley. Of course, I’ll have to read it first.

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