In A Parallel World Near Yours

by wjw on July 25, 2023

Lots of stuff going on in the world of Wild Cards. A new original anthology, Pairing Up, has been published here in the US. I’m not in it, but these guys are:

“Trudy of the Apes”   KEVIN ANDREW MURPHY
“Cyrano d’Escargot”  CHRISTOPHER ROWE
“In the Forests of the Night”   MARKO KLOOS
“The Wounded Heart”    MELINDA M. SNODGRASS
“Echoes From A Canyon Wall”    BRADLEY DENTON
“The Long Goodbye”   WALTON SIMONS
“What’s Your Sign?”   GWENDA BOND & PETER NEWMAN
“The Wolf and the Butterfly”   DAVID ANTHONY DURHAM

In addition, the previous Wild Cards volume, Full House, which features my story “Prompt. Professional. Pop!” has just been released in paperback.

And as if that weren’t enough, Carrie Vaughn’s Wild Cards graphic novel Now and Then has also been released.

Plenty of reading in store. And if you’re unfamiliar with the milieu of Wild Cards, check out the public service announcement just above.

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