Loving Couple

by wjw on July 17, 2023

From the National Museum in Reggio Calabria, a rare double burial dating from either the Paleolithic or Mesolithic, or maybe the boundary between the two.

The two were buried in a cave. The man’s left arm is around the woman’s shoulders, and the woman rests her head on the man’s shoulder. I can imagine the two were in love.

Details were lacking, such as how old the couple were when they died and whether they died at the same time, or a later burial was added to the first.

Still, it’s a nice reminder that the Stone Age wasn’t all brutality and strife, but left room for affection and partnership.

steve page July 26, 2023 at 6:30 pm

Thinking of working it into a novel?

wjw July 28, 2023 at 12:20 am

I hadn’t considered that! Thanks for the idea!

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