
by wjw on November 1, 2023

The rollicking Extended Birthday Party, otherwise known as World Fantasy Con 2023, has come to an end, and I’m home trying to pick up the threads of my actual life.

Here I am on the mezzanine, with brilliant ideas forming over my head like little silver cannon balls.

The convention was wonderful, certainly the best I’ve attended since before the pandemic. The dealers’ room didn’t have enough books, and the art show was small, but the con was filled with friends I haven’t seen in years, and it was terrific to see them and catch up with what they’ve been up to. At least half the members of Taos Toolbox 2023 turned up in a group, and seemed to be having as good a time as I was.

Plus of course the Extended Birthday Party. We took full advantage of the fact that Kansas City is one of the world’s great centers for finding red meat, and we went to Jack Stacks for barbecue, Capital Grille for steak, and Extra Virgin for tapas. I was surrounded by friends at every meal, and the only reason I don’t mention them here is that I’m sure to forget someone, and accidentally offend.

World Fantasy is back! Pass the word.

[Photo by Nina Kiriki Hoffman. I think.][

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